A recent article by the ACCC Scamwatch reveals that even the youngest of us are still vulnerable to online scams, reminding us all to be vigilant and aware of who we send our information to.
"In 2019, around 12,000 (7.15 per cent) reports made to Scamwatch were from people under the age of 25, an increase of 11 per cent compared to 2018 figures. Reports from this age group increased by 10 percentage points more than any other age group." - ACCC Scamwatch
It just goes to show that it doesn't matter how tech savvy the younger generation is, scammers will always try to be one step ahead.
Jamiesons employs a range of procedures to mitigate and protect ourselves and our clients from scammers, we hope in sharing these articles that it may reduce the number of successful scams.
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