Applications are now open for the Queensland Government's $500 million COVID-19 Jobs Support Loan scheme. This scheme is for Queensland businesses and non-profit organisations financially affected by COVID-19 to retain employees and maintain their operations.
Low interest loans of up to $250,000 are available to assist with carry-on expenses such as employee wages, rent and rates and other related expenditure. Eligible business types include sole traders, partnerships, private and public companies and Trusts.
All COVID-19 Jobs Support Loans will be provided for a term of 10 years, with no repayments or interest charged for the first year, followed by two years of interest only payments. Principal and interest repayments will commence from the third year for the remainder of the loan term.
Loan features
$500 million loan scheme
Maximum loan up to $250,000
No repayments or interest charged for the first year
Plus two years interest only
2.5% fixed interest rate
10-year term of loan
Open until 25 September 2020 or until funding is fully committed.
To successfully apply online, have ready your
Business Financial Statements for 2017-18 and 2018-19
Personal Taxation Returns for 2017-18 and 2018-19
Bank Account Information
Australian Tax Office (ATO) Integrated Client Account Statement
Aged list of debtors and creditors at time of application
Applicant Identification
Organisation Constitution or Rules of Association and Certificate of Incorporation (if applying as a non-profit organisation)
Trust Deed (if applying as a trust).
Helpful hints
For optimal performance use the Google Chrome browser
An individual file that can be uploaded is 50 MB
Total size of all files for an application cannot exceed 100 MB
Yes, you can come back and resume filling in the form at any time. Your information should be saved up until the last page you entered and saved.
Have a question?
See our frequently asked questions for more information.
If you require assistance with your application, please contact QRIDA on 1800 623 946.
In completing your application, you are encouraged to speak with your lender and financial or business advisors.
Apply now online.
Related information:
Last updated 26 March 2020
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any of the above.